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Legal notice

By virtue of the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the user is informed that the domain (hereinafter THE WEBSITE) belongs as owner to MYSPOT BARCELONA S.L. (hereinafter MYSPOT BARCELONA), whose identification data are the following:

CIF: B13765417
Contact telephone number: +34 674 63 63 73

Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, Volume 48803, Folio 99, Page Number B596821, Inscription 1

Web access

The Legal Notice regulates access to the website and its use by its users. The access to the web and its use entails the acceptance of the Legal Notice, as well as the rest of the policies that, in its case, can be foreseen in the web. Therefore, we ask the user to carefully read the Legal Notice when he / she intends to use the Website, as it can be modified at any time. If you do not accept the Legal Notice, please refrain from using the website.

Use and operation of the web

The user undertakes to make diligent use of the website, as well as the information included, in full compliance with the applicable regulations, in the Legal Notice and, where appropriate, the other terms and conditions included in the Web. Likewise, the user undertakes not to perform any act with the purpose of damaging, rendering useless or overloading the web, or preventing, in any way, the normal use and operation thereof. The user is informed that, in case of breach of the Legal Notice or, where appropriate, the rest of the policies of the website, MySpot Barcelona reserves the right to limit, suspend and terminate access to the website, adopting any measure technique that is necessary. MySpot Barcelona makes its best efforts to keep the website in good working order, avoiding errors or, where appropriate, repairing them and maintaining the contents of the website duly updated. However, MySpot Barcelona does not guarantee the availability and continuity in access to the website or the absence of errors in its contents, nor does it guarantee that the latter are timely updated.


Both access to the website and the use that may be made of any information contained therein are made under the sole responsibility of the user. MySpot Barcelona is not responsible for any loss or damage that may arise, directly or indirectly, from accessing or using the information contained on the website, including those produced in computer systems or those caused by the introduction of viruses or computer attacks. Neither will it be responsible for the damages that users may suffer due to improper use of the website or from falls, interruptions, absence or defect in communications and / or Internet. Additionally, MySpot Barcelona is not responsible for any loss or damage to the software or hardware of the user arising from access or use of the website. The user will be liable for any damages that MySpot Barcelona may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by virtue of the Legal Notice, the applicable legislation and / or the rest of the policies.

Policy regarding links

a) Links to the web: Whoever intends to include on a website (Linking web) a link to the MySpot Barcelona website, must request it from MySpot Barcelona and comply with the legislation in force; in no case, may content, own or third party, that: (i) are illegal, harmful, violent, racist, denigrating, etc .; and / or (ii) are inappropriate or irrelevant in relation to MySpot Barcelona. The link does not imply that MYSPOT BARCELONA endorses, promotes, guarantees, supervises or recommends the content or services of the website, nor that it is responsible for its content. In the event of breach of any of the terms referred to above, MYSPOT BARCELONA will proceed, immediately, to the revocation of the consent granted on the website, which must remove the link.

b) Links to other websites: On the web you can include different links that allow the user to access other websites (linked websites). In no case, the existence of linked websites implies recommendation, promotion, identification or conformity of MYSPOT BARCELONA with the manifestations, contents or services provided through the linked sites. Consequently, MYSPOT BARCELONA is not responsible for the content, nor the terms and conditions of the linked sites; The user is solely responsible for checking and accepting them each time they access and use them.


If any of the clauses of the Legal Notice is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only that provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective. For these purposes, the Legal Notice will only cease to be valid exclusively with respect to the null or ineffective provision, and no other party or provision will be annulled, invalidated, damaged or affected by this nullity or ineffectiveness, unless it is essential to affect the Notice. Legal in an integral way.

Intellectual property

The contents provided by MYSPOT BARCELONA are subject to the rights of intellectual and industrial property and are the exclusive property of MYSPOT BARCELONA or of the physical or legal persons to be informed. By purchasing a product or service, MYSPOT BARCELONA does not confer any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on the purchaser, reserving MYSPOT BARCELONA all these rights. The cession of the aforementioned rights will require the prior written consent of the owner thereof, so that the client can not make such contents available to third parties. Intellectual property extends, in addition to the content included in MYSPOT BARCELONA to its graphics, logos, designs, images and source codes used for its programming. MYSPOT BARCELONA has obtained the information and materials included in the web from sources considered reliable and, although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is correct, MYSPOT BARCELONA can not guarantee that at all times and circumstances such information is accurate, complete, updated and, consequently, should not be relied upon as if it were. MYSPOT BARCELONA expressly declines any responsibility for error or omission in the information contained in the pages of this website. MYSPOT BARCELONA reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the web, links or information obtained through it, without prior notice. This, in no case, assumes any responsibility as a result of the incorrect use of the web that can be carried out by the user, both the information and the services contained therein. In any case MYSPOT BARCELONA its branches and / or work centers, its directors and / or attorneys, employees and, in general, the authorized personnel will be responsible for any type of damage, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether directly or indirectly. , of the use and / or diffusion of the web or of the information acquired or accessed by or through it, or of its computer viruses, of operational failures or of interruptions in the service or transmission or of failures in the line in the use of the web, both by direct connection or by link or other means, constituting for all legal purposes a warning to any user that these possibilities and events may occur. MYSPOT BARCELONA is not responsible for the webs that are not its own, to which it can be accessed by means of links or any content made available to third parties. Any use of a link or access to a non-proprietary website will be done at will and at the sole risk and fortune of the user. MYSPOT BARCELONA does not recommend or guarantee any of the Information / s obtained by or through a link, nor is it responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or from the Information obtained through he, including other links or webs, of the interruption in the service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when connecting to the website of MYSPOT BARCELONA as when accessing information from other websites from it. In some occasions, this website uses Cookies, that is, small data files that are generated in the user's computer and that allow obtaining the following Information: 1) Date and time of the last time the user visited the web; 2) Design and contents that the user chose in his first visit to the web; 3) Security elements that intervene in the control of access to restricted areas and 4) Other analogous circumstances. The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in his browser program. However, MY SPOT BARCELONA is not responsible for the deactivation of the same prevent the proper functioning of the website.

Industrial and intellectual property

This website is owned by MYSPOT BARCELONA. The rights of Intellectual Property and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this web, of its pages, screens, the Information that they contain, their appearance and design, as well as the links (hyperlinks) that are established from it to other web pages of any subsidiary and / or dominated company of MYSPOT BARCELONA are the exclusive property of this, unless expressly specified otherwise. Any denomination, design and / or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on this website, are trademarks duly registered by MYSPOT BARCELONA by its subsidiaries and / or dominated companies or by third parties. Any undue use of the same by persons other than their legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be denounced and pursued through all legal means existing in the Spanish and / or Community Legal System. The intellectual property rights and marches of third parties are conveniently highlighted and must be respected by everyone who accesses this page, not being the responsibility of MYSPOT BARCELONA the use that the user can carry out in this respect, falling exclusively on his person. Only for personal and private use is allowed to download the contents, copy or print any page of this website. It is forbidden to reproduce, transmit, modify or delete the information, content or warnings from this website without the prior written authorization of MYSPOT BARCELONA. 

Data Protection

In accordance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/67 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, on Protection of Personal Data, MySpot Barcelona informs the User of the existence of a processing of personal data. Person in charge of the treatment: MY SPOT BARCELONA S. L. AVDA MISTRAL 18, FLOOR 7, DOOR 3, 08015 BARCELONA (SPAIN); CIF: B13765417; Teléfono: +34 674 63 63 73; email: The User accepts the inclusion of the data obtained while browsing the web, or provided by filling in any form that appears, as well as those derived from the possible commercial relationships that may arise, in our database. The User may exercise, with respect to the data obtained, the rights recognized in the new General Data Protection Regulation and particularly the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, as well as the revocation of consent for the transfer of data. your data or for any of the uses described. The rights referred to in the previous paragraph may be exercised by the User through a request addressed to MySpot Barcelona S.L., Avenida Mistral 18, 7-3, 08015 Barcelona, ​​or by sending an email to MYSPOT BARCELONA declares that it has adopted all the security measures necessary and appropriate to what is established in Regulation UE 2016/679 by which the Security Measures of automated files containing personal data are approved. The User accepts the inclusion of the data collected while browsing the web, or provided by completing any form found in it, in an automated file of personal data described above. Likewise, your acceptance of this Legal Notice implies the provision of your express consent for MYSPOT BARCELONA may send advertising or promotional communications by email or other equivalent means of communication, in the terms established by Law 34/2002, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. If you are not interested in receiving this type of communication, you can contact MYSPOT BARCELONA to the address indicated above or to the email, stating their will.

Cookies policy

By accessing and using the website, you accept that MYSPOT BARCELONA can use its own and third-party cookies (specifically, Google Analytics, Cloudflare, Facebook and YouTube), session and permanent, in order to allow navigation through the web with predefined characteristics, the monitoring and analysis of its behavior and the management of advertising spaces. Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information related to the preferences determined by an internet user during your visit to a certain website in order to recognize it as a recurring user, customize its use and facilitate faster browsing. You can configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies by default, or to receive a warning on the screen of the reception of each cookie and decide at that moment its implementation. The procedures for blocking and deletion of cookies may differ from one internet browser to another, so the user should consult the instructions provided by the internet browser, such as those detailed below: • Internet Explorer Cookie Settings • Firefox cookie Settings • Google Chrome Cookie Settings • Safari Cookie Settings These browsers are subject to changes or modifications, so we can not guarantee that they comply fully with the version of your browser. In case you wish to reject the use of cookies, you may have limited the use of some features of the website. If you continue browsing the web without denying your authorization, it implies that you accept its use by MY SPOT BARCELONA. For any additional question related to the use of cookies, you can send your request by email to

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The present general conditions are governed by the Spanish Legislation, being competent the Spanish Courts and Courts to know of whatever questions arise on the interpretation, application and fulfillment of the same. The user, by virtue of his acceptance of the general conditions contained in this legal notice, expressly waives any jurisdiction that, by application of the Law of Civil Procedure in force may correspond or related to its use the nearest Courts and Tribunals Barcelona.
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